Haras The Haras

The Haras

Several types of courses you can adapt to your needs

  • Discovery: 3 lessons over 2 days: flatwork, cavaletes, training obstacle and competition obstacles. Stage at your place or at the Haras Saint-Hubert with accommodation for horses and riders according availabilities
  • Training follow-up: Implementation of a long-term work plan. My presence will vary according to your needs.
  • Competition follow-up: Choosing of the jumping show level, reconnaissance of the ring, advices before the jumping course, analysis after the jumping course.
The Haras Saint-Hubert
Over 2 days :
Including 3 training sessions, a stable.
At your address
Three groups of 4 or 5 riders (a session lasts 1h15)
Morning : analysis of the couple horse/rider, flatwork, reminder of all the basics of riding, use of the legs and hands
Afternoon: Jumping course, management of the strides (approaches of the obstacles)


The video « Equibulle » was the first experience of Max Thirouin.

Then, the book “Jumping: 60 exercises to progress" is a success in equestrian pedagogy, a “toolbox" of exercises that reminds the rider of the importance in horsemanship of the “accelerator” and the “brake”, and the appropriate use of them.

The EQUIBULLE method

To teach properly, you need a method.
Every coach has its own and must define
– Starting point of the trainee,
– The objectives,
– The different paths to achieve results.

With EQUIBULLE, I wish to provide tools to the rider, to her/his horse and their coaches to help them in their work.

The mason is guided by the bubble of a spirit level to build a wall.
Let’s virtually replace the center of gravity of the couple horse & rider by this bubble.

It is this bubble which will guide you for
– locating your position in space,
– analysing the reasons of a failure,
– judging the quality of excercise realised,
– giving us objectifs.

Pedagogical tools

An international rider, Max Thirouin’s goal is to solve the recurring difficulties encountered by jumping riders. Max Thiroin has gathered his best advices and teaching tools in four books.


Volume 4

Jumping volume 4 – manage your strides

Volume 3

Jumping volume 3 – 110 jumping training courses to build yourself

Volume 2

Jumping volume 2 – 85 advices to get better

Volume 1